Account created on 25 August 2021, over 3 years ago

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Sorry for the delay on testing. I was able to fully test the D7 migration in dev and it seems to work quite well. Only a few minor tweaks needed made to the yml files for mine to succeed. I'm not certain if these are universal changes or just for my specific migration. The required dependencies on my setup are all prefaced with upgrade_

For example my privatemsg_thread.yml migration_dependecies section looks like this:

    - upgrade_d7_user
    - upgrade_d7_privatemsg_email_notify
    - upgrade_d7_privatemsg_message

So I changed all the ids and of the migration files themselves and the reference dependencies and it worked without needing any other changes. It was quite a large and varied set of data that I had to migrate as well, so well done and thank you.

I think I understand where some of @quchidru's confusion is coming from. The Admin user has a tab on the users view page that says "Messages" that comes from the all_privatemsg_thread view in the All messages another user display.

This display does require Administer site configuration to view and the path is - /user/%user/messages. And this is where his original error/complain is coming from because it's the only link he has found on the user interface to access the messages.

The All messages Display of the same view is what the end user should be viewing instead with the path of /messages and this only requires the permisison of "Write and view messages". The problem I believe @quchidru is talking about is that there is no menu access for this link for the non-admin user. He is looking for a "Private Message" link to appear somewhere on their profile so that can quickly get to the /messages view.

Am I tracking now with your actual problem @quchidru?


Currently running 7.x-1.4 and prepping for a migration. I did not realize you were working on adding a migration process for privatemsg. I would be happy to test it.

Path: /user/3/messages
It looks like you are trying to view a specific users messages and that would require Administrator access unless you are currently logged in as user 3.

Instead try browsing to just replacing yoursite with your domain)? That should eliminate the need for Administrator access and attempt only access to the logged in users messages.

I found that the pm_message_old table did not have an index on `mid` and that was slowing down the migrations as well. I wasn't sure the best way to add that to code because it is simply imported/old data and not part of the schema. Adding the primary key to my own table manually drastically cut down on migration time and may help others as well.

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