🇬🇷Greece emberhood
vensires → credited emberhood → .
🐛 | Commerce Eurobank (Redirect) | "Request data is not valid, payerEmail is required" message from worldline
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Adding a patch to fix the issue
🐛 | Commerce Eurobank (Redirect) | "Request data is not valid, payerEmail is required" message from worldline
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Emberhood → created an issue.
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Makes correction on
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Made childTermUsed accept vocabulary parameter.
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Changed termUsed and childTermUsed functions from private to protected.
🇬🇷Greece emberhood
Attaching a patch adding respect of parent enable check of term link.
This is considered needed in case of conflict with work done in other places like this one: https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-10-13/taxonomy_menu-hide_empty_... →