Account created on 20 July 2021, almost 3 years ago

Recent comments

Hello @AlfTheCat.
I have the same problem - πŸ› Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\MissingValueContextException: Required contexts without a value: entity in Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextHandler->applyContextMapping() (line 150 of web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Plugin/Context/ContextHandler.php Postponed: needs info .
I get this error periodically when I edit blocks in the layout builder and one of the blocks is not updated when i click on the "Update" button.
"Discard changes" URL did not solve the problem.
Drupal version 10.2.6.

Did you manage to solve this issue?


You can add custom class for column in settings the section

Hi everybody.
I installed the patch. But I don't see any changes in the settings.
Can anybody help me?

Alex_web β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 2.x to active.

Alex_web β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 2.x to hidden.

I have a similar task. I want to create 3 columns with a width of 100%, 50% and 50% (col-12 col-6 col-6).
But this is impossible

I have the same problem.
I installed the modules Gutenberg and Gutenberg Cloud. Tnen go to the page admin/config/gutenberg-cloud. But page is empty

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