🇮🇹Italy @linno

Account created on 17 September 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy linno

Great job Mr Florian!
Thanks for all!

🇮🇹Italy linno

Hi @iamdroid,
Thanks for all! Exactly what I want.
Best regards Luca

🇮🇹Italy linno

Hi @iamdroid,
thanks, I honestly had no idea I had to use a subtheme, I thought that Material Base MDC 3.0.0-beta1 was already the subtheme, now everything is clear, I study Drupal better.
For the full-width request I attach a photo of what I would like, if it is possible.
Full layout, which becomes dynamic if I insert a side menu or blocks on the left side. sorry again for my inexperience.
Thanks again, Luca

🇮🇹Italy linno

Hi again!
For the layout full I modify the page.html.twig located at "\themes\contrib\material_base\themes\material_base_mdc\templates\layout"

{% extends "@material_base/layout/page.html.twig" %}
<strong>{% set page_layout = true %}</strong>
{% if navbar_style == 'dense' %}
  {% set navbar_style_adjust = 'mdc-top-app-bar--dense-fixed-adjust' %}
{% elseif navbar_style == 'prominent' %}
  {% set navbar_style_adjust = 'mdc-top-app-bar--prominent-fixed-adjust' %}
{% else %}
  {% set navbar_style_adjust = 'mdc-top-app-bar--fixed-adjust' %}
{% endif %}

{% block page_container %}
  <div class="page-container layout-container{{ page_layout ? ' layout-container--node' : ' layout-container--page' }}{{ drawer_full ? ' mdc-drawer-app-content'}}">
{% endblock %}

{% block navbar_adjust %}
  <div class="page-navbar-adjust {{ navbar_style_adjust }}{{ drawer_below ? ' mdc-drawer-app-content'}}">
{% endblock %}

the layout lost some block region (pictures add) why? repeat maybe is my fault... newbie in dupal 10.
Best regards, Luca

🇮🇹Italy linno

Hi! Thanks for your reply,
the solution for override library wont work (site crashed) in material_base_mdc.info.yml and I not modify the file, but if I modify the material_base_mdc.libraies.yml with this code work fine. Can you help/explain this difference? Sincererly not understand why.

      ../../dist/css/mdc.css: { minified: true }
      ../../dist/css/we_megamenu_backend_custom.css: { }
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