Account created on 17 February 2021, over 3 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy Hotfingers

I replaced "entityManager" with "entityTypeManager" in patch #92 as I was having a CRON error for that deprecated method:

Error: Call to undefined method Drupal::entityManager() in comment_node_update_index() (line 372 of /core/modules/comment/comment.module)

and also

Error: Call to a member function getStorage() on null in Drupal\comment\CommentManager->isIndexingAvailable() (line 278 of /core/modules/comment/src/CommentManager.php)

It will not pass the test as it has to be applied after this one: →

I only tested it on a 9.5.11 project, and it's working correctly. The only permissions that is not applying is when I negate the Reply to anonymous users but allow them to authenticated ones, as even with the checkbox set to false on the Reply permission the anonymous users can still see the link under other comments and can still post a Reply.

🇮🇹Italy Hotfingers

Hi, I tried #44, but it didn't work.
I had to use #37, but I also had to add a new date format, as @scuba_fly said in #40.
The new format must be set like "19-05-23" as "19/05/23" won't work.
Remember to clear cache.

Drupal: 9.5.5
BEF: 5.2

Production build 0.69.0 2024