🇬🇷Greece @gbotis

Account created on 20 November 2020, about 4 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

I have tested the module with the requirements change and did not find any issues. Are there any plans for a deploy?

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

Thank you very much! #26 applies perfectly and resolves the issue rendering the form using content language (in my case url).

I still have issue with confimrations emails. The form values are translated but the subject/body and other fields are still using default language. Has anybody else encountered the same issue?

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

I have the exact same issue on a D10.1 installation. When aggregate css is checked, no new aggregated css files are created if existing (sites/default/files/css) are not deleted.

For example updating header css ends up in having pages previously browsed with the old style and pages browsed for the first time using the updated style.

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

Are there any plans to release a new version with this one merged?

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

The patch is not correctly applied on webform-6.2.0-beta5 version.
Here is a patch that works for me.

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

I can confirm that the patch also applies on 10.0.8 and resolves the issue. Thank you.

🇬🇷Greece gbotis

Keep in mind that by removing id with js, EntityAutocomplete's extractEntityIdFromAutocompleteInput will not return any matches and validation will fall to matchEntityByTitle.
If you don't use title as Option label (e.g. if you use Entity Reference View to show more fields at the options) this will result in field not validating unless you write custom validation using the "real-value".

Production build 0.71.5 2024