🇲🇩Moldova @ivan.mihailov

Account created on 26 June 2020, over 4 years ago
  • Quality assurance at OPTASY 

Recent comments

🇲🇩Moldova ivan.mihailov

The issue is still persists for both: logged in and anonymous users.

Link - https://dev-d10-sshop.pantheonsite.io/about-us

🇲🇩Moldova ivan.mihailov

After the latest fix was deployed:

1. Appeared an extra padding on the Desktop devices.

2. Mobile devices, please make sure that the padding is the same how it was on the D8 env.

Link - https://dev-d10-sshop.pantheonsite.io/about-us

🇲🇩Moldova ivan.mihailov

For an anonymous user the issue is still persists.

Link - https://dev-d10-sshop.pantheonsite.io/about-us

🇲🇩Moldova ivan.mihailov

After the latest changes have been deployed, I'm seeing an extra padding.

Link - https://dev-d10-sshop.pantheonsite.io/about-us

Production build 0.71.5 2024