Hi @mably, I've checked the MR. Looks goods code-wise, but there's one issue (at least for me).
I have a range filter with 'within' (range contains) operator and a 'word' (contains any word) operator, but now it is added before the value as a prefix. It doesn't feel right to add the machine name of the operator over there.
For example for the 'contains any word'-operator, it seems ok to just show the value provided without a prefix. I think that's the case for most operators. There are only a few operators that might add value for the end-user.
I think only some of the numeric operators have added value to be used as a prefix: <, <=, >, >=, !=
We should add a mapper to check which operators need to be visualized.
pietermouton → created an issue.
Seems like there was a small issue with the patch;
$form_state->dependent_exposed_filters[] = $dependency_info; is still in the source-code (line 330) and can be removed.
$form_state->dependent_exposed_filters also needs to be replaced with $form_state->get('dependent_exposed_filters') on line 41 of the views_dependent_filters.module file.
pietermouton → created an issue.
The order was placed by an anonymous user, but I think it might also be the issue for an authenticated user.
I've set up my webshop with a custom payment gateway (plugin: manual)
What I do to reproduce:
- Log in as admin
- Go to admin > commerce > order
- Go to carts
- Select a cart
- Go to payments
- Add payment 'custom' (plugin manual)
- Leave the amount as filled in (so the total of the order)
- Check the 'received' checkbox
- Save
I get the error from above.
I've a couple of custom modules active for this project, so there's a chance that it has something to do with these modules (some with eventsubscribers, so one of these can be invoked by the payment being paid).
If you cannot reproduce the error with the steps above, I will look into my custom modules again.
pietermouton → created an issue.