🇮🇳India @arnabcse2013

Account created on 23 May 2019, about 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hello @Shyam, can you please share the issue that you are facing ?

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hello @Shyam, can you please share the issue that you are facing ?

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hello @andypost , we were looking at this issue during Drupalcon Lille 2023 (Issue Triage Session).

This does not seem to be something a novice can work on easily without adding/filling up the rest of the information under 'Proposed Resolution, Remaining Task' etc.

It would be helpful if you could update these before friday.

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hello @i-trokhanenko

Noted.. I will update the patch with the fixes. Thank you :)

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Sorry this issue is related to my system. Closing as it is working fine.

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hi @Swayanka, this is nothing related to drupal core I think.

Please check the last integrated modules that might block you.

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hi @Sourav , can you try with this patch and test with D10 please ?

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

I have tested the beta version and it seems to working perfectly with D10.1 version.

Thanks for the quick updates :)

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hi @dallask, Thanks for the quick update on this module.
But in the composer.json I still see "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.5.2" and D10 require ^7.7

Can you please check the screenshot attached and confirm ?

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

Hi I can see there is a bracket issue in this '$review_data = $callService->getThirdPartyApiData($merchant_id), $locale, $api_key, $product_id, $api_url); ' . Please update the brackets with the correct one.

🇮🇳India arnabcse2013 Bangalore

I am using drupal 9.5.7 version.

Production build 0.69.0 2024