Confirmed, the same issue. In my case this is a problem with a tour module.
Minified js of the tour module defines the L function:
function L(e) {
e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e)
Geolocation's leafletPromise resolves it as real leaflet map and processes it which cause the error.
You can check which script overrides L function just console.log the L variable in the leafletPromise.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install D10.4.1
2. Install Tour module
3. Login as user with 'access tour' permission and check map in admin interface or elsewhere.
Is this a problem of the geolocation module when some js files may override global L variable?
seonic β created an issue.
seonic β created an issue.
Exclusion list allows to remove directories from scanning.
In my opinion, this module still actual. Drupal js minification is slow at this moment, because of unminified core js files and peast(slow but more reliable in comparison to JShrink), and each aggregation minify core's files. And there is no option to disable it, except JSOptimizer override.
Each js aggregated group takes around 1s (in my docker container, JShrink minifies in 0.2s (test with replaced peast to JShrink in JSOptimizer)), I understand that now js files are generated in a separate request and don't reduce a page response time, but sometimes it is visible how page jumps in admin theme before js ready (it's easy to see in views edit page before js cache ready, without jsOptimizer it quick and practically invisible). This module allows to reduce aggregation time removing compression on the fly which reduce visual distortion on cold start.
Seonic β created an issue.
Thanks all, the patch 4 rises a drupal version to 9.3, because of extension.path.resolver and replaces deprecated methods of scssphp which requires to rise scssphp. I'll apply this changes to a new version 2.x with code refactoring. 1.x still will support 8.8, 9.0, 10.0
file_put_contents($source_file['css_path'], trim($content->getCss()));
will brake other compilers, a compiler plugin must returns content as string.
D10 support added to the 1.x version.