🇮🇳India @sushma22

Account created on 28 March 2019, almost 6 years ago

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🇮🇳India sushma22

How to work with the child items visibilty i.e


🇮🇳India sushma22

Hi @cmlara,

Yes, we have below settings set:

define('RS_AWS_PUBLIC_DIRECTORY', 's3fs-public');
define('RS_AWS_TEMP_DIRECTORY', 'temporary');
$config['s3fs.settings']['public_folder'] = RS_AWS_PUBLIC_DIRECTORY;
$settings['s3fs.upload_as_private'] = TRUE;
$settings['s3fs.use_s3_for_public'] = TRUE;
$config['s3fs.settings']['domain'] = RS_CMS_S3FS_CDN;
$config['s3fs.settings']['use_https'] = TRUE;
$config['s3fs.settings']['disable_cert_verify'] = FALSE;

What changes are required to unblock this issue?

🇮🇳India sushma22

Facing same issue with Drupal 10


Issue is reproducible with multi file upload field

1.) upload 3 or more files. NOTE: except first or last file add any corrupted file in between i.e max size then expected
2.) go on preview of node
3.) back to node edit page
4.) You will see the file uploaded data is not loaded correctly, also if you try to remove ajax is not working correctly, GUI is also distorted.

I understand it's a complex scenario, but issue is there.

Thanks in advance

🇮🇳India sushma22

Hi @cmlara,

Please check the screenshot for the URI

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