🇮🇳India @pallavisk

Account created on 19 February 2019, about 6 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Restaurant Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe Searched content padding and their font size to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Searched content section is styled with downward spacing and font size.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Restaurant Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the Magnifier icon in the search box to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Magnifier icon in the search box is aligned and styled to avoid overlapping.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog LiteTheme.
3. Create footer menus and add it to footer blocks.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the space between footers for ipad to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Space between footer is reduced for iPad.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Guesthouse Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the search button spacing from top on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Added Spacing from top for search button on mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the breadcrumb on the desktop view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Spacing from the top and bottom of the breadcrumb is reduced.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Magazine Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the spacing between sections on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Spacing between sections is reduced on mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Conference Lite Theme.
3. Create a block view for article/basic content type and set the pagination.
4. Add that view in content region.
5. Apply the patch.
6. Clear the cache and reload the page.
7. Observe the block view pagination and spacing to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Pagination is styled with downward spacing.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Magazine Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Add footer links to footer sections.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the footer menu on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Spacing between footer menu is reduced on mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set NewsPlus Lite Theme.
3. Add footer menus to footer sections.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the footer menus on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Spacing between footer menus on mobile view is reduced.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Conference Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Add footer links to footer sections.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the footer menu on iPad and mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Spacing between footer menu is reduced on iPad and mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Guesthouse Lite Theme.
3. Create footer menus and add it to footer blocks.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the space between footers for ipad to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Space between footer is reduced for ipad.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#4 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Showcase Lite Theme.
3. Create footer menus and add it to footer blocks.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the space between footers for ipad to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Space between footer is reduced for ipad.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the searching text for mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Searching text font is decreased and styled.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#3 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the space between footer menu on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Space between footer menu is reduced on mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the search button spacing from top on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Added Spacing from top for search button on mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Showcase Lite Theme.
3. Add Menus and submenus to main navigation section.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the Menu drop down to get the difference.

Testing result:
Menus are working as expected

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Showcase Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the space between search box and search button from top to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Space between search box and search button from top is reduced for mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Magazine Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the Advance search results font size and spacing from left on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Searched text font size and spacing is reduced for mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set BusinessPlus Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the searched text font size on mobile view to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Searched text font size is reduced for mobile view.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#4 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Showcase Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the Right sidebar block to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Right sidebar block section is styled with downward spacing.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#3 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Catalog Lite Theme.
3. Create a block view for article/basic content type and set the pagination.
4. Add that view in content region.
5. Apply the patch.
6. Clear the cache and reload the page.
7. Observe the block view pagination and spacing to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Pagination is styled with downward spacing.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set TopPlus Lite Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Clear the cache and reload the page.
5. Observe the Left sidebar block to get the difference.

Testing result: Pass
Left sidebar block is styled with downward spacing.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Creative Responsive Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Add menus and submenus to main navigation.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the main navigation on Firefox browser to get the difference.

Testing result: Fail
Submenu arrow look same on Firefox browser after applying patch.

Moved the issue to Needs work.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#3 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Dark Page Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Add basic page content.
5. Clear the cache and reload the page.
6. Observe the page to get the difference.

Testing result:
There is space between carousal and page content.

Moved the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India pallavisk

Verified and tested patch#2 on drupal 9.5.x Patch applied successfully.

Testing Steps:
1. Install the drupal 9.5.x version.
2. Install and set Handicraft Zymphonies Theme.
3. Apply the patch.
4. Add footer links to footer sections.
3. Clear the cache and reload the page.
4. Observe the footer content to get the difference.

Testing result:
Bullets are removed and the footer content is styled.

Can be move to RTBC

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