🇨🇦Canada @Simon-P

Account created on 8 January 2019, about 6 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

Changed "composer -v" to "composer -V" : Must be uppercase (although lowercase gives a list of all commands and shows version number anyway).

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

Added first step of checking what version of Composer is currently in use.

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

Verified * marking tab groups that contain mandatory fields is missing form tab Field Groups when using Claro admin theme at Contribution Workshop at DrupalCon Portland 2024.

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

Working on this at DrupalCon 2024 for the next hour

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

As the person who submitted issue https://www.drupal.org/project/password_policy/issues/3292927 Customisation of email notification Active I have to say it it seems very related.

Here is an example of what our currently staff receive:

The text 'your password will expire soon' does not give any indication of what password needs changing, or even that it is a website password. If the person receiving it does not know which password needs changing they are unlikely to do it, which defeats the purpose of the module.

Given that password reset reminders are a commonly used in spam, people are going to ignore the email if there is no specific text that helps them identify that the email is genuine.

🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

In case this helps resolve this issue, the steps to reproduce it are:

- create a view that includes a new exposed filter for a Smart Date field
- make the filter grouped and add at least one group
- note the default name of the Filter Identifier (should be something like 'field_date_value')
- test that the filter works correctly
- change the Filter Identifier (ie. 'test', 'date', etc)
- test that the filter works (it should now give an error message)
- revert the name of the Filter Identifier to the default value
- test that the filter works correctly



🇨🇦Canada Simon-P Vancouver

We get the same error message:

TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\Date->acceptExposedInput() (line 160 of /var/www/harmonyarts.ca/web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php)

I think #5 identifies the cause.

In our case it relates to a Views exposed group filter based on a Smart Date field. If the default Filter Identifier is used (in this case 'field_date_value') the filter works. If the Filter Identifier is changed to anything else (such as 'date2' in the attached screenshot) it stops working and gives an error message.

This was working OK a year ago. It is from a website for an annual festival and the customized Filter Identifier name has been in place and working for several years. The issue only came to light when we started populating the site with this years data.

Things to note:
- we are using Drupal 9.5.9
- we are not allowing multiple selections for the filter
- we are not using Better Exposed Filters module
- we are not using BAT Event module


Simon P

- the line number is different (presumably the code has been updated in the meantime)

Production build 0.71.5 2024