🇮🇳India @kaustavbagchi

Account created on 3 January 2019, over 5 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India kaustavbagchi

This is an updated version of 2900208-59.patch with whitespaces removed, compatible with Drupal 10.1.x version.

🇮🇳India kaustavbagchi

This is an updated version of 2900208-48.patch which is now compatible with Drupal 10.1.x version.

🇮🇳India kaustavbagchi

Hi, When are we expecting a stable release compatible to Drupal 10? Any major road blockers or issues which needs to be fixed? Thanks

🇮🇳India kaustavbagchi

Hi @jonathan1055,

Updating the status to RTBC. The patch has been tested and it works well. This patch looks ready to be merged now.

🇮🇳India kaustavbagchi

Hi jonathan1055,

I have tried to replicate the same steps and updated Scheduler 2.0.0-rc8 to Scheduler 2.0.0 and applied the above patch, even I am getting few core.entity_form_display.node settings in my config export.

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