Account created on 23 October 2018, almost 6 years ago

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I have added the check to not redirect if the latest revision is published to patch #7 as that is what our content editors really want.

I've also included an extra patch rerolled for 2.1.0-alpha2 because the original one only works on the latest commits to the 2.1.x-dev branch and we prefer to use releases.

it will not let me add tests against anything but 7.x-2.x :(

We need to use this patch and I thought I'd update it to address the issues raised.

For the test I have just added the with prefix case in a second assert in the existing formatTest() in CacheTagFormatterTest.php, the pre-existing test already covers not using a prefix. I can separate this out to a second set of tests though if this is not the right way to do it.

fixed the 9.5 version it was just a empty line removed, D10 one appears to be okay still

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