Poland 🇪🇺
Account created on 15 March 2018, almost 7 years ago
  • Drupal Developer at BOX 

Merge Requests

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🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

and for drupal/coder 8.3.28 I'm getting "SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.BackedEnumTypeSpacing" does not exits

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

I experience the "SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.RequireNullCoalesceOperator" does not exist still in inteliJ with correctly set setup. And so:

  • file vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/ControlStructures/RequireNullCoalesceOperatorSniff.php exists
  • PHP_CodeSniffer version 3.11.1
"require-dev": {
                "chi-teck/drupal-coder-extension": "^2.0.0-alpha4",
                "drupal/coder": "8.3.22",
                "drupal/core": "10.1.x-dev",
                "ext-simplexml": "*",
                "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5",
                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.7",
                "symfony/var-dumper": "^6.3",
                "symfony/yaml": "^6.3",
                "vimeo/psalm": "^5.14.0"
🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

mentoring Piotr on this one

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

I'm also experiencing that cron is not reliable. In my case when I unpublished some node in EN language, in meantime corn regenerate the sitemap then I unpublished the other language version of the same node, then the crone simply does not include that change into the other language sitemap. Walk-around will be setting crone drush command to rebuild the sitemap. I do not want invest more time into investigating that.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

#20 helped me with solving this error - not for this module but for some custom implementation. Thanks - this is the path for fixing this error.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Ok I prepared patch for 2.x but something is wrong here I can not see a way to created a PR, so please have a look at https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/entity_clone-3258535/-/compare/2.x...32...

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Alright, it looks like I have a working patch for version 2.1.0-beta1. I've attached the patch for you. I tested it, and it resolves the issue with sub-nodes not having translations properly attached. Please give it a try.

I'll also be preparing a separate patch for the 2.x branch shortly.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Hi I applied 3258535-2.x-translatable-entity-reference patch, but as we have many nested node I'm experiencing
Allowed memory size of ... bytes exhausted. I would love to get rid of the checkboxes form or have option to disable it as we are cloning everything. I will check if I can find some walk-around ...

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

PR ready https://git.drupalcode.org/project/lingotek/-/merge_requests/24
I'm not sure how to run tests in the the drupalPod
Please review and test

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

OK get it working under D11, solved some forms compatibility problems. Still need to run it thru phpcs. Progress saved here https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/lingotek-3431671/-/commit/0c63e4fe371a2.... I will continue soon. Thank you lostcarpark for support.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

I'm wokring on this on DrupalCon Barcelona Contrib Day

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Guys tested patch #80 for 10.2.5 and 10.2.6 - I can see the other types of lists but when selected the list stays numerical as usual. Anyone experiencing the same?

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

+1 from me, I can see this in logs D 10.2.3

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

+1 for re-opening

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Finally I was able to figure out by my self and my lama JS skills. Attaching patch for version 3.x CK5 & D10.
What the patch is doing:
When there is only one image style available on the dropdown list, automatically select it. This way production team do not have remember about it.
Feel free to contribute and make it better. Thank you.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

+1 for this one
I also need the functionality for CK5 - the dropdown of available styles should not be empty not to force production the remember about selecting the image style. I reviewed CK5 documentation for dropdown unfortunately I can not see any option to do that. Anyone has any idea how to handle that in CK5?

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Hi @nelo_drup, I guess the intention of your ticket was to have the colorPicker option enabled. I will show up automatically but you must bump your drupal to at least 10.1.0 and apply this patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-06-23/error-after-drupal-10.1.0... from https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_font/issues/3368736 🐛 Error after update to Drupal 10.1.0 Active .

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

+1 from me also, what are the next steps to make this happen as a new version release?

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

also +1 from me, the patch looks ok. Voting to push this further.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Thank you @hchonov looks like the patch is solving my problem. I'm curious if 2951294 is working on solving the problem with failing tests ?

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

Experiencing the same problem. Unfortunately MR_2 does not solve the problem after rebuilding the permissions. So I stick with disable "SQL rewrite" in the view for now.

🇵🇱Poland piotr pakulski Poland 🇪🇺

@emclaughlin feel free to ping me on linkedIn in case you still have the problem?

Production build 0.71.5 2024