🇮🇳India @pratishjha

Account created on 8 November 2017, over 6 years ago

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🇮🇳India pratishjha

The patch is not working. Still getting the error

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\Core\Http\RequestStack::isMasquerading() in Drupal\password_policy\EventSubscriber\PasswordPolicyEventSubscriber->checkForUserPasswordExpiration() (line 118 of modules\contrib\password_policy\src\EventSubscriber\PasswordPolicyEventSubscriber.php).

Do we have any solution for this?

🇮🇳India pratishjha

The module was working fine for Drupal 9 (with some small deprecations fixes & using it in custom), but in Drupal 10 it adds extra HTML tags. I will request for maintainership.
Meanwhile is there any module or hook/code/patch to convert all URLs to absolute?
It will be a great help if you could provide any solutions.

🇮🇳India pratishjha

Just now I found the root cause, indeed it is due to the contrib/custom module.
A contrib module https://www.drupal.org/project/relative_to_absolute_url is used (this module is not available for D10, it is usded in custom by fixing deprecations for drupal 10 & PHP8.2) which converts all relative URLs to absolute. (Needed for this site).
I have installed module https://www.drupal.org/project/rel_to_abs but it not convert relative URLs to absolute.
Can you suggest any fix or any way to convert URLs from relative to absolute.

🇮🇳India pratishjha

Yes, big pipe is enabled currently. Un-installing big pipe does not resolve the issue.

🇮🇳India pratishjha

Thank you for your reply. There is no error in db log and JavaScript console. The interesting part the issue does not occur when I am logged in to the site with any role. It is only happening for anonymous users.
For reproducing it locally by xampp I can only see it by disabling aggregation whereas on ngnix server the issue persists either disable or enable.
Also if I remove the whole custom CSS & JS still some footer parts are still not showing on the browser. For different languages, it shows differently. I have not seen this kind of strange behavior in the entire Drupal experience from 7 to 10.

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