Sorry, false alarm, I don't know why an old patch was still applied after upgrading " β "
I had to delete the folder web/modules/contrib/entity_embed manually
Clear composer cache : composer clearcache
Then require the new version : composer require drupal/entity_embed:1.6
To fix the issue.
Thank you.
Hello, I have the same issue with the latest stable version 8.x-1.6 on Drupal 10.3.5 and Drupal 10.3.10.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare entity_embed_library_info_alter() (previously declared in /home/users/irp_user/www/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/entity_embed.module:308) in /home/users/irp_user/www/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/entity_embed.module on line 362
[warning] Drush command terminated abnormally.
Downgraded back to 8.x-1.4
I had the same problème on Drupal 10.3.5
Trying the patch in #2 didn't solve the problem because the http 404 error request was overriding the response.
So I did this patch that's working for my use case, maybe it needs more testing
Hello, I had the error
[error] 8924#8924: *155212268 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig\Error\RuntimeError: "The "Drupal\Core\Template\TwigExtension" extension is not enabled." at /home/XXXXX/www/web/themes/contrib/stable/templates/field/time.html.twig line 22"
after I upgraded Drupal to 10.2.1
And I fixed it with the attached patch, maybe it needs more testing.
I am using
"drupal/twig_extender": "5.1.0",
"drupal/twig_extender_extras": "5.1.0",
in my project.
Good luck.