Account created on 13 May 2017, about 7 years ago

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That is the long term goal and talked with Volker to Wim and Nick about that.
But currently they aren't implemented as reusable and consumable blocks.
For now please describe what standards and paths are wrong for Volker to fix :)

@volkerk Be so kind to support everyone in this progress till GoLive of :)

@Bram Good point, but we need something for the upstream website anyway.
Best would be to translate them to some EU level partner or create boilerplate.

FYI: For the DB artifacts we'll drop users and reset the admin pass in GitLab CI
Content wise we should not have any other personal data left in the DB export?

@jjchinquist Thanks you very much 🫢 Fully agree on URL aliases and admin πŸ‘
Would be wonderful if you could finish. @volkerk builds DB export as CI artifact.
For la_de we aim import the DB on the 30th of November for content editing 🀞

Double checked in the absence of @volkerk but staging has latest DB.
@BramDriesen you'll get an user account from @bbrala once confirmed.

@bbrala Still wanna to finish that alone or do we bring your current state to la_eu staging?
Just ping @volkerk on Slack and provide him an new database dump to import and switch.
Goal of this issue should be anyway to reach la_eu production with an English translation :)

@andypost Maybe we misunderstand you but jammy is at 8.1.2 plus extra downstream patches.
The behavior from version_compare seems fine on jammy with your test case provided or not?

test@jammy:~# php --version
PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.13 (cli) (built: Jun 28 2023 14:01:49) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.1.2-1ubuntu2.13, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
test@jammy:~# php -r 'var_dump(version_compare(phpversion(), "8.1.6"));'
test@jammy:~# php -r 'var_dump(version_compare(phpversion(), "8.1.2"));'
test@jammy:~# php -r 'var_dump(version_compare(phpversion(), "8.1.2-1ubuntu2.13"));'

"By default, version_compare() returns -1 if the first version is lower than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second is lower."

Guess the fix in question seems is about configure switches at compile time and not runtime?

FYI enterprise Linux distros like Ubuntu, RedHat & co backport patches for supported software.
This is different to always ship the latest (Arch) and requires more work for the aimed stability.
Especially in security audits you proof auditors that it's the base version plus the extra patches.
So if version 8.1.2 is insecure 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.13 is higher as it has i.e. CVE-2023-3247 patched.

@andypost: You mean backporting "Fix GH-11522: PHP version check fails with '-' separator"?
Thought the problem is just we still have rare cases of the OPcache issue without a reproducer.
After providing Athos from Canonical the backport he also fixed the version as verified by @mfb πŸ“Œ Special case Ubuntu PHP versions for some system_requirements() warnings Active

Production build 0.69.0 2024