Account created on 27 April 2017, about 7 years ago

Recent comments

I tried path #185 and #180 and I do get the section data although I only get the components definitions without the block values. Here an example :

"layout_builder__layout": [
      "section": {
        "layout_id": "layout_onecol",
        "layout_settings": {
          "label": ""
        "components": [
            "uuid": "567ecf83-40c0-4554-befb-491ceaf38eb5",
            "region": "content",
            "configuration": {
              "id": "inline_block:card",
              "label": "Lorem ipsum title",
              "label_display": "visible",
              "provider": "layout_builder",
              "view_mode": "full",
              "block_revision_id": "2",
              "block_serialized": null,
              "context_mapping": [
              "type": "card",
              "uuid": "4d8cb490-6d31-4a2b-8d16-98a1490dcdef"
            "weight": 2,
            "additional": [
        "third_party_settings": [

I did some debugging and I realize that the `LayoutEntityDisplayNormalizer` is never called which could maybe explain why the inline block values are not showing ?

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