Account created on 5 January 2017, almost 8 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thanks for reporting this issue! May I kindly ask you to also create a Merge request, as specified in the recommended way of providing changes for projects?

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Unfortunately, this is out of scope for the project.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Description added in the file, thanks for your feedback!

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Closing it, as it is an old issue and not related to the Node read time itself.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Hi and sorry for the delay in the response. You've probably figured it out, but you can remove the field from the Manage display configuration for the particular view mode of the content type.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Hi, thank you for willing to co-maintain and help me with the module. I've set you a bit lower permissions in order for me to keep the proper ownership of the project. I will be responsible for any new releases. You can still approve and merge resolved issues to the codebase.

Thanks again and let me know if you have any questions.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

This issue is still a problem with Drupal 10.2.2

WIth a website that has 106 languages enabled and 392 configs returned by Locale::config()->getComponentNames(), we have following results when enabling modules:

$ time drush en field_ui views_ui -y

 [success] Successfully enabled: field_ui, views_ui

real    3m35.569s

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I think this is the default behavior in Drupal core as well? If you create a new field for a certain content type, it will be automatically added into the View display.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I was just looking for that feature. When is it planned to be released?

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

This issue is still not fixed, I just got this error on Acquia CI

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1419 You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable): DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS salesforce_mapped_object_der_update;

Salesforce Mapping: 5.0.3
Dynamic Entity reference: 4.0.0-alpha3

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I received the same error for the following properties: hasSubtypes, listviewable and lookupLayoutable
Adding a patch here to add these as well.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Sorry, I saw already that this is already fixed. 🐛 Creation of dynamic property $key Needs review

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

While using this patch and upgrading to Drupal core 10.2.1, I get the following issue:

The "ckeditor5_list" CKEditor 5 plugin definition is configurable, but its default configuration does not match its config schema. The following errors were found: [properties] missing schema, [multiBlock] missing schema.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thank you for reporting and fixing this. Added this to a new tag, so it is available now in 8.x-1.13

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thanks, this was already fixed, but waited for new release - is is available now in 1.12

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thanks everyone! Closing as Fixed!

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Another issue I found with using block_content:uuid in the settings is it messes with the redirects.

Could you elaborate more?

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I still experience this issue with Drupal 10.1.1 and Entity Browser + Media Entity browser

Providing here a patch in case someone else needs it like me to change the grid to flex.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I am on 9.5 currently, but I see that the 10.1 version is actually using the permission handler that I suggested.

I guess that solves it in future releases, so no need to do anything else here. I couldn't find existing issue with that particular problem, so hopefully this one will help if someone is wondering.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

The attached patches do not work, actually. I already tried this approach and it still didn't work. What works for me in fact is switching the route provider permission handler, as in my updated proposed resolution.

 * Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function my_module_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] $entity_types */
  if (!empty($entity_types['block_content_type'])) {
    $entity_type = $entity_types['block_content_type'];
    $route_providers = $entity_type->getRouteProviderClasses();
    $route_providers['permissions'] = 'Drupal\user\Entity\EntityPermissionsRouteProvider';
    $entity_type->setHandlerClass('route_provider', $route_providers);
🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thanks for spotting this issue, I've tested it and indeed the two problems exist and are resolved by the MR.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thank you for spotting and fixing this issue! Merged and will be added in the next module release.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

@Kristen Pol, thanks! On the date I posted this issue, DropZone was not implemented to have this X, so perhaps it's added afterwards with the mentioned addRemoveLinks parameter in the library instance. I guess this issue should be closed now.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Hi, may you check if this is affecting your translation - 🐛 Make the settings of Unit of time translatable in administration pages Fixed
Probably take a look into the Translate Interface to see if the labels are properly translated.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

yivanov made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thanks a lot, @littlepixiez, for reporting and fixing this issue :)

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

You are right @joao.ramos, better to use empty(). Will fix that, thanks!

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

@abu-zakham, making the blocks non-reusable will hide them from the block content overview page and they will not be available to add on Block layout page and in the Layout builder.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

The units of time are wrapped in a t() function, which means they are available to be translated in the UI Translate interface.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I will reopen this, as it requires more work.
Two methods are missing:

- saveOverrideReadingTime
- removeBundleTimes

Plus there is a deprecated use of Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql\Connection and should be replaced with \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

I can't reproduce this error on a clean module installation with the latest release. Could you give more details on which release tag you are using and also do you use the Reading time service outside of the module?

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

yivanov made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

Thank you @stephenb001 !

🇧🇬Bulgaria yivanov

yivanov made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.71.5 2024