Account created on 28 December 2016, almost 8 years ago

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🇮🇳India kanchamk

I was able to resolve this issue by doing the following:

  • Go to /admin/group/types/manage/learning_path/fields , here learning_path is my group type.
  • "Edit" every field and click on "Save" to update the field.
  • Run drush updb again. This error issue was resolved and now group fields are revisionable

@joseph, thank you for your help.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I was able to resolve this issue by doing the following:

  • Go to /admin/group/types/manage/learning_path/fields
  • "Edit" every field and click on "Save" to update the field
  • Run drush updb again and this error resolved.
🇮🇳India kanchamk

@joseph, I can't update group module as opigno_lms has fixed its group dependency version to 1.6. This is failing in post_update function group_post_update_make_group_revisionable in group.post_update.php

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I don't have any modules starts with lightning installed. FYI, I am using <a href="">opigno_lms 3.2.7</a>. Recently migrated opigno_lms from 3.1.0 to 3.2.7

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I am also facing the same issue. I updated Drupal 9.5.11 to 10.3.6

🇮🇳India kanchamk

These fields(field_certificate_expire and field_certificate_expire_results) were added long before opigno version 3.1.0 probably even before opigno 8x-2.21. Unfortunatly these fields were removed manually for customization of the expiration of training handled via our custom tables.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

@joseph, These tables groups_revision and groups_field_revision did not exist in the database in the first place even after upgrading the group module from 1.2 to 1.6. Attached screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I updated the group module from 1.2 to 1.6 and got the below error. Any idea?

>  [notice] Update started: group_post_update_make_group_revisionable
>  [error]  Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'database.tmp_2d4eecgroup_r__e3b0c44298' doesn't exist: INSERT INTO "tmp_2d4eecgroup_r__e3b0c44298" ("entity_id", "revision_id", "bundle", "delta", "langcode", "field_learning_path_duration_target_id") VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5); Array
> (
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => 67
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => 67
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => learning_path
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => 0
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => de
>     [:db_insert_placeholder_5] => 630
> )
>  in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->saveToDedicatedTables() (line 1403 of C:\xampp\htdocs\opigno-composer\web\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage.php).
>  [error]  The entity update process failed while processing the entity type group, ID: 67.
>  [error]  Update failed: group_post_update_make_group_revisionable
🇮🇳India kanchamk

Hi @zartab

Updated the database using drush updb and I checked all the dependencies that were already installed and enabled and cleared the caches, but still no luck.

In which opigno version this (field_certificate_expire_results) field added?

🇮🇳India kanchamk

@axelm, composer audit logs shows that Drupal <11.0.4 is a security risk, is there a planning for D11 as well?

🇮🇳India kanchamk

@axelm, September is almost completed, on the project page, you mentioned that the release on of Opigno 3.2 will be done by the end of September. When can we expect it on

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I also need the same ability to view the content of the module or course, including videos, MCQs, and data, that the user accessed before completing the training. Currently, users have a 'See activity results' CTA on the training statistics page, but it doesn't effectively allow them to review the content again.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

I have migrated directly from opigno_lms version 2.11 to 3.1.1. Now after reading these instructions (here) thoroughly, First I migrated opigno_lms




and then to


. now no errors .
Thank you

🇮🇳India kanchamk

Here is the patch updating the code in all hook updates where it was failed.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

New patch added for hook updates 9003 and 9004.

🇮🇳India kanchamk

Almost all these config files coming from opigno_statistics module only but they mentioned like opigno_module in getPath method like \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('opigno_statistics') . '/config/optional/';. so here is the new patch i updating it

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