🇨🇦Canada @SnowCoder

Account created on 7 December 2016, over 8 years ago

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🇨🇦Canada SnowCoder

Apologies. Yes, I'm using Editor Advanced Link module on my site.

Also, the attributes are the only thing being stripped now as the link does remain.

<a href="#" target="_blank" title="Title text" aria-label="Aria label"><i class="fa-brands fa-facebook fa-fw">&nbsp;</i></a>
now becomes:
<a href="#"><i class="fa-brands fa-facebook fa-fw">&nbsp;</i></a>

🇨🇦Canada SnowCoder

Ok, I tried the patch, cleared the cache and the original problem seemed to have been fixed. I can now use fa-fw without it being stripped.

However, the anchor problem still persists where it strips out the following extra attributes in my one example: target="_blank" title="Title text" aria-label="Aria label".

🇨🇦Canada SnowCoder

Ok, glad the fa-fw problem isn't just me.
As for the stripping of links, here's a screenshot of my profile. As you can see, I have the Link plugin enabled.
Regarding the target="_blank", I mispoke. I didn't realize that wasn't working for me either anymore.

🇨🇦Canada SnowCoder

Can confirm that uninstalling/reinstalling did correct the very strange issue. Thanks for your help!

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