🇬🇧United Kingdom @Shamrockonov

Account created on 17 November 2016, over 8 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom Shamrockonov

Do you have a WSDL file for the SOAP web service?
If you do, you can use the WsdlToPhp package generator to generate PHP classes and methods for you to call without having to worry about the underlying implementation.

🇬🇧United Kingdom Shamrockonov

Not sure I like the additional redirect really. Open to suggestions.

🇬🇧United Kingdom Shamrockonov

Added an issue fork with a possible solution?
The request is redirected back to the original domain on a finalRedirect multi_domain_login route to handle the URL generation on the original domain.

🇬🇧United Kingdom Shamrockonov

Hi @abhishek_gupta1,

Based on hook_user_logout, the $account argument should be of type Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface.

I've created a merge request which will need reviewing.

🇬🇧United Kingdom Shamrockonov

Should roles that have the "Ignore 'Entity Access by Role Field' fields" permission set, also be excluded from the widget?

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