Try to do a cron run, to clear OPcache or to restart the webserver. Nobody knows at the moment why this error occurs.
I have the same issue. When will this be published?
After one month the error occured again, but under different circumstances:
I updated core and some modules on a local machine and pushed the changes to the webserver to a staging installation, which is a copy of the production site on the same server. After doing composer install
I got this white screen:
Error: Call to a member function setFormClass() on null in /xxx/web/core/modules/action/action.module on line 48
The strange thing is, that the error then occured at the same time on the production site, although I haven't changed anything there! After clearing the cache on the production site the error changed to the one we know:
Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Component\\Plugin\\Exception\\PluginNotFoundException: "The "text_default" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\\Core\\Field\\FormatterPluginManager are: string" at /xxx/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php line 53
Clearing the cache again and deleting the vendor and web folders didn't have any effect his time, only after doing a cron run I could access the website again. Although I did the cron only on the production site, the staging site was also accessible again! On both sites I had now the errors attached in the screenshot. After clearing the cache on both sites they finally disappeared.
I got the same issue today on core 10.3.6. Before it happened all of a sudden, there was an error when uploading an image in a field with a resolution restriction inside a paragraph. I don't remember the error message, but it was not possible to upload the image. Ususally it should just downsize the file. So I tried resizing the image before uploading it, which was successful, but then it was not scaled down to size set in the respective image style. When trying to open the field options I got the white screen.
drush cr
and updb
didn't have any effect, so I removed web/core and vendor and reinstalled with composer install
. After that everything was working again.
johnnny83 → created an issue.
You can also use the Asset Injector module to add css to your admin theme: →
Or with this short custom module:
Uh, this is six years ago and I absolutely don't remember why I needed this 😅, but I suppose I managed to solve it some other way. But thank you for asking!
Anyway, a hidden field can be embedded in other fields or used for grouping etc. so it is still available for other actions, so I think then it should also be accessible in twig.
I had the same problem with exactly the same libraries when running composer install (strangely only on of two Drupal installation which I thought were duplicates). Deleting composer.libraries.json and copying it back after composer install solved the problem for me.
Ah, you're right, sorry 🙈
johnnny83 → created an issue.
I know with CSL, but I couldn't find any possibility in the markup to solve the problem.
Nobody else has this issue?
So, the solution is to prevent to pass NULL to the implode function analog to the Bibliography Module of D7 ( 🐛 PHP 8.1: Deprecated functions Needs work ). Here is the relevant part of the patch:
- $delim = $this->delimiter;
foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
$text_parts[] = $element->render($data, $mode);
// Insert the delimiter if supplied.
- $text = implode($delim, $text_parts);
+ $delimiter = isset($this->delimiter) ? $this->delimiter : "" ;
+ $text = implode($delimiter, $text_parts);
Probably it doesn't show any errors, because there are no items on your page?
I finally found the solution:
- The date field of the content type must NOT contain the time
- In the CSV file the date must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
But probably the initial mistake I made was not reading the documentation properly. Apparently the proposed way is to use the timestamp and not the date field.
johnnny83 → created an issue.
I tried to update to 2.5, but the module is constrained to core 8 now:
- Root composer.json requires drupal/content_notification ^2.4 -> satisfiable by drupal/content_notification[2.5.0].
- drupal/content_notification 2.5.0 requires drupal/core ~8 -> found drupal/core[8.0.0-beta6, ..., 8.9.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
What is also weird (but a little bit off-topic): I have a content type "team member" and in each publication type (book, journal etc.) an entity reference field to team member, so you can connect every publication to a team member. Now I want to list on every page of a team member only some (not all) publications that are connected to them. That's why I created an entity reference field connected to a entity reference view that is listing the publications of the team member. So when I edit a team member page I can select which publications shall be shown. The problem is that the sorting by publication year is not always working. Many publications are in the right time order (and within a year also the sorting by last name is working), but some are not, so it looks like: 2022, 2014, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2020, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2021, 2018, 2018, 2011
johnnny83 → created an issue.
Similar for me, after a server upgrade the core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/cache was missing, so I just rebuilt core