Account created on 20 September 2016, about 8 years ago

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Please help me solve the problem. As xandeadx wrote above:

After inserting the body text, it is processed by the node text format (node ​​text format != block text format), and if the node text format contains the filter "Restrict allowed HTML tags and fix broken HTML", then the inserted code is cleared.

My node text format clears the code of your module inserted into it. This should not happen.

1. I created a new text format for inserting the banner code - Banner, in this format I disabled all filters.
2. In BodyInject profiles I added a profile. Block to inject - selected the desired block, Node Type to use on - selected the Node Type.
The text format of this Node Type is Default, tags like

are prohibited. As a result, it turns out that the banner on the page of this node is not displayed, since the text format of the editor cuts off this code. If you make the text format of the PHP node, the banner code is not cut off. But in theory, this is a Block in a Block, the format of the text editor of the node should not affect the display of Block to inject.
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