🇮🇳India @soutams

Account created on 19 July 2016, almost 8 years ago

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🇮🇳India soutams

I'm still facing the issue in Drupal 10.2.6 after applying the patch #36

inline block content is showing as the last updated/translated block content.I'm using layout builder st. I faced the same issue in Drupal 9. After applying the patch #16 it got resolved. Recently I upgraded to drupal 10. Now again I'm getting the issue. I've already tried #36 patch.

Thanks in advance.

🇮🇳India soutams

thanks for your comment.

We are using drupal 10 and php version is 8.1.24.

Can you please provide a patch for the fix?

🇮🇳India soutams

hi amandeep,

will the PHPCS issue resolve the issue?

🇮🇳India soutams

I can see the MR got failed. is it possible to share any patch for the issue?

🇮🇳India soutams


https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-10-20/3085476-12.patch after applying this patch the mentioned issue got resolved, but still not able to submit the node. It is giving "media:null" error. Exact error "The referenced entity (media: null) does not exist."

I'm trying to embed youtube video in an entity reference field. But facing all these issues.

I'm using Entity Browser 2.9 version.

🇮🇳India soutams


I'm getting this type of error. I don't know it is related to this module of Azure Application. Can someone help me?

GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/[EMAILID]/sendmail` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"error":{"code":"RequestBodyRead","message":"The property 'address' does not exist on type 'microsoft.graph.recipient'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type or mark the type as open type."}}

I'm using below branch, 2.0.x-dev@dev


🇮🇳India soutams


is there any update? can you please help me to resolve the issue?


🇮🇳India soutams

when I'm doing 'drush cr' I'm still getting the same error.

I just reinstalled the alpha version. Now I'm able to enable the module and also can able to configure the module but it is giving the same fatal error when sending mail.

🇮🇳India soutams

I tried that.
Ran composer require 'drupal/graph_mail:2.0.x-dev@dev'
Enabled 'graph_mail' module. dursh en graph_mail
When I'm going drush cr it is giving a error, 'In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 86:
The service "graph_mail.helper" has a dependency on a non-existent service "queue.factory". Did you mean this: "im
If I go to extend page, it is showing enabled but setting page is not opening '/admin/config/services/graph_mail'

🇮🇳India soutams

we have done the comparative study. we have found that the issue is coming because of 3 select fields (intended_use_of_building_nl,intended_use_of_building_sv,intended_use_of_building_fr). even we deleted these fields and created a new select field. we also got the error. we did not face the error when we created a text field instead of select field.

we are unable to find the root cause. we are still faceing the issue

🇮🇳India soutams

if i create new form it is working as expected. when I replicated the form manually it was also working fine. somehow this form is giving the error.

The translation data is coming empty/blank in the validation method in modules/contrib/webform/src/WebformTranslationConfigManager.php. But when I check the post data from browser I can see all the data are sending to server.

🇮🇳India soutams

we have replicated the form manually. exactly same form created manually. the issue is not coming for the new form. so I'm thinking it is not related to form configuration. Since the fields and configuration of both the forms are same so I don't think it is related to post_max_size.

are you able to replicate the issue?

🇮🇳India soutams

have deleted few elements and attached here. please let me know if you need further filtration.
you can just try to translate the title field. it is giving below error

TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in Drupal\webform\WebformTranslationConfigManager::validateWebformForm() (line 284 of modules/contrib/webform/src/WebformTranslationConfigManager.php).

🇮🇳India soutams

@cilefen, file attached.

🇮🇳India soutams

we are able to replicate in vanilla instance.

1. installed drupal 9 (latest)
2. installed webform (6.1.5)
3. configured translation for multiple languages
4. import form to vanilla instance
5. now we are not able to translated the imported form.

🇮🇳India soutams

we are converting generic mailbox id to shared mailbox. For shared mailbox we don't need password. But there is no option to clear the password field. It is taking old password. Hence getting authentication error while sending mail through shared mailid.

Is there any option?

🇮🇳India soutams

@kbrodej The patch is not compatible with the latest version.

🇮🇳India soutams

We are facing the same issue.
Is there any solution/patch available?
I'm using Entity Browser 2.9 version.

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