Account created on 10 June 2016, over 8 years ago

Recent comments

Sorry for the slowness!

Ill take a look at this soon
Make this part of 2.1.0

I think it looks good!
Yea the paper is bigger than basket.
Still, I feel like it would be taken as a trash can.

@kristen-pol I feel you have more exposure to make this determination

This is true that the core functionality now clashes with the main functionality provided by this module.

Perhaps, we need to pull out any of the extra features this module can provide and create a separate branch for 10.x Drupal.

🐛 There is no way to delete file entities of other users Fixed doesnt seem to have been backported to Drupal 8 and 9 so this module still can be valuable there.

I will be sure to update the info soon. Thank You!

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