This patch is not included into 3.0 version??
I`ve looked for the code and it isn`t applied
I have updated my site from 9 to 10 (10.2) and I started to get lots and lots of new entrys on my logs with this error. I have to disabled all my minified modules and css/js agregation and I still receiving this error. It is fixed?, In what version? Any "quick" solution for this?
Any planning to new release with #3 patch?, It works fine!!
reloxo95 → created an issue.
Hi!, Any schedule to genearte a new release?,
Thaaaanks :)
Any news about that? I have the same issue with BBVA.
Clients do the purchase and receive 2 emails with different order_numbers but in the backend only generate one order (same order change twice state)
reloxo95 → created an issue.