🇬🇧United Kingdom @zohera

Account created on 31 July 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

Update the BulkUpdateFieldsForm class to include the EntityFieldManager as sixth argument

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

Update the BulkUpdateFieldsForm class to include the EntityFieldManager as sixth argument.

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

zohera created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

I am getting this issue as mentioned above ” Missing payment method nonce “ when I use production environment using Braintree payment gateway on my commerce site.
But sandbox environment is working fine though. Can you please help me to resolve this issue ?

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

Thank you for the reply .I have added donation step in checkout with the /cart route setup with multistep_donate checkout.
But i cant see the same donation step in checkout page.

and also is there any screenshot how this donation step will look like in /cart route? and where can i configure this donation step?

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

Thank you for the reply.I have followed all the instructions mentioned in https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-03-11/commerce_donation_instruc...

I have created a checkout flow that uses this modules's donation_multistep_flow plugin.
and also placed "Add Donation" pane in the first step of the flow, just before the Donation step.
Choose the /cart route option below with
The Donation OrderItem type.
The Default Order type.
and choosen donation checkout flow with donation_multistep_flow

I am also attaching screenshots below for your reference which includes my checkout flow with donation_multistep_flow.

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

@tomtech thank you for this. I have also tested this on https and I can still see same issue. I have attached screenshot below for your reference(braintree-paypal.png). Can you please help to resolve this asap as it is priority for me. Many Thanks.

🇬🇧United Kingdom zohera

Drupal Version is 10.2.1
Commerce braintree version is 8.x-1.5
Php version 8.1.0

And I have followed configuration scenarios as mentioned in module, but I can see below js error as shown in attached screenshot
on this page(/admin/commerce/config/donation-settings) when i try to save the page .

Can you please help to fix this and also allow user to access cart route by using this module.

Production build 0.71.5 2024