Account created on 3 May 2016, almost 9 years ago

Recent comments

Hi jurgenhaas,

I'm interested in the same problem.
I want to integrate user points, so the user can get points when adding content.
Is this possible to make with ECA and Points module?

Thank you Arnold for your detailed discussion of this problem.

I'll try to configure Points and ECA to achieve my goal.

I know & like UserPoints and even used it years ago, but for some reason it hasn’t been updated for Drupal 10 yet

I think embed video using views it's good idea. Thank you.

I confirm. 
SHS with the above patch works with the Search API and can be used as exposed filter widget. 
Thank you  wombatbuddy .

Thank you so much.
 It's a 9 year old code. Do you think it will work on D10?

Hi wombatbuddy,

Thanks for comment.

Image is not broken, just doesn't allow upload image on post.

Regarding of Better Exposed Filters in my understaning there is collapsible all terms in one click. Because of I have lots of taxonomies I need collapsible each parent separately. Like on picture.

Looks like related issue.
Not admin user cannot use the SHS if not enabled "Toolbar" permission for registered users.

It is not fully functional for me.
Not working Chosen widget and creating new items.

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