Account created on 26 April 2016, over 8 years ago

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Bonjour Joseph, je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de tester le souci dans une version infΓ©rieure.
en revanche je viens de tenter sur une 10.3.1 j'ai encore le souci.

@danflanagan8 thanks for your post, indeed, patch in #3364206 works like a charm for this issue in Drupal 10.2.4

Same problem here Ckeditor 5, linkit 6, EAL 2.2.4 and drupal 10.2.2
title and target attributes are removed, only href works in my case.

As Kasey_MK , we use entity embed with entity that can't contain be linked, this button must be hide in my case, it would be great to choose which entity can use it, case by cas (per example media image like it but media map in my case not).
I put here a patch that merges #12 and another bug πŸ› Edit the embedded entity in tab always opens the first opened entity Active (#2).
Thanks for your patch Kasey_MK

Same problem here, with drupal 10.2.2, entity embed 1.5
The patch #2 works like a charm. thanks Bram Linssen !

Workaround #49 works like a charm but the following part is not useful, $uuid is not used after this:

 if (str_contains($item['key'], 'guid')) {
      $uuid = $item['value'];

Hi, same result as pbabin, it works perfectly for me (I used simple saml with google suite and azure directory in my case drupal 10.1)
I had just to change the path to simplesaml www to public (because of simplesaml php upgrade).

Maybe just a mistake of me, the following hook doesn't seem to be invoked when a user succeeded to connect with simplesaml:
I named correctly the hook with my module name, even die() into the hook, it wasn't invoked.
I used the hook "hook_simplesamlphp_auth_user_attributes" to add role instead (already used to add attributes to user entity).

Thanks for this work !

General problem with vprr, the permission are not correctly uninstalled when a vocabulary is delete, so we will have runtime exception.

I already used vppr in drupal 10 with patch.
I had a serious problem:

When you delete a vocabulary, drupal doesn't revoke permissions from vppr correctly.

In my case it was very problematic:
- My role webmaster has the permission "administer [vocabulary name] vocabulary terms"
- I deleted vocabulary
- Drupal outputs me:
RuntimeException: Adding non-existent permissions to a role is not allowed. The incorrect permissions are "administer [vocabulary name] vocabulary terms", "view latest version". in Drupal\user\Entity\Role->calculateDependencies() (line 206 of /var/www/html/web/core/modules/user/src/Entity/Role.php).
- The role webmaster was remove because dependency to the vocabulary

I rollback but it can be fatal to another developer.

In my case to avoid this, I use a revoke permission in a hook_vocabulary_delete :

 $permission = "administer ".$entity->id()." vocabulary terms"
 $roles = Role::loadMultiple();
    foreach ( $roles as $role ){

      if( $role->id() === 'administrator'){//not necessary for admin
        if( $role->hasPermission($permission)){
          $role = $role->revokePermission($permission);


Same problem here with a multilingual site in drupal 10.0.9 when I enabled the module swiftmailer.

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