new version
I finally I made a patch based on this solution β created an issue.
It's OK I did some errors.
Here is the right entry:
$param = ["your_custum_geofieldname" => ["distance" => ["from" => "10"], "value" =>"56.555552,2.6326965"]];
It's OK I did some errors.
Here is the right entry:
$param = ["your_custum_geofieldname" => ["distance" => ["from" => "10"], "value" =>"56.555552,2.6326965"]];
$view->setExposedInput($param); β created an issue.
What if you call it directly from your browser ?
Normally you should get a json flux
If it is the case, so maybe something in your dev environnement blocks the access to the external website (any proxy to set?)
PS : I think know the issue is only with my laptop, because others people who try the same code had not this issue.
but i'm wondering how is it possible!
- Before/and just after the call of node-save() : I have added logging and no repetition (duplicata) found.
- The issue in my point of view occured inside the node save() method. maybe 2 mysql processes try to do the exact same job inside. Weird!
Structure / Content type / manage fields / Add field
nothing special
I use Drupal 10 (do you try do create a field in Drupal 10 using the native backend?)
It's a simple text plain (255). I created it manually.
It isn't the only one who may provoke the issue.
Someone told me that maybe I have a concurrency problem.
PS: I use docker containers. So I tested the code also in a XAMP installation from another PC and I don't have anye issue!!!
I don't understand!
I will try the proposition of @ wombatbuddy β
Yes since then I tried to delete/rename/recreated a new field. Same behavior!
That is why you no longer seen the previous field "com_codepostal".
I reedit my code, in order to be consistent with the previous error I gave here.
The issue is sometimes I have no error.
Hi, thanks for the replies.
I edit my message in order to add a chunk of my code