
Account created on 3 March 2016, over 8 years ago

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I haven't added any custom code that impacts the field_guided_navigation field.

I looked at the opigno_group_manager module code. In the previous version 3.0.3, the getGuidedNavigation function gets the field_guided_navigation field, then returns the opposite value:


In the latest version 3.1.0, the getGuidedNavigation function gets the field_guided_navigation field and simply returns it:


It seems as if the getGuidedNavigation function now returns the opposite of what it did before. I don't understand how you can do that without also updating the field_guided_navigation field for the existing content. What am I missing?

I looked into the group__field_guided_navigation to try to determine what's going on. On my live site, which is version 3.0.9, this field is 0 for all trainings. It appears this field is 0 for guided navigation and 1 for free.

On my development site, where I have version 3.1.0 installed, it appears that this has changed. The field is 0 for free navigation and 1 for guided. However, this field is still 0 for all trainings, which is why they are showing up as free navigation in the interface.

Do you know which hook_update_N() updates the value in the group__field_guided_navigation table now that the meaning of this field has changed? I can checked to see if it was run. Thanks!

Yes, all of my courses that were previously guided navigation are now free navigation. I upgraded from version 3.0.9. I did have an issue during the database update where it timed out twice before completing.

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