Account created on 22 February 2016, almost 9 years ago

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🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

@shumer, Request you to re-open this issue as the commit pushed doesn't solve the problem statement. The button is visible due to config pages level permission but when user clicks on it user gets redirected to "Access Denied" page. In rounting.yml file also needs to be updated with the permission changes.


🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

While testing the same identified that when media translation gets created from a media item with default langcode is in draft state, for the translated version revision always displays the state as what we have for default langcode media item.
To fix this i have updated the above patch.

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

The re-rolled patch fails in one scenario, which is as follow:

  • Create content type with multiple taxonomy term reference field.
  • Out of which make one field's target bundle set to a vocabulary that is managed by PBT
  • Try to create one content and don't make it published.
  • This newly created node won't be available in content listing tab.
  • And if you try to access directly via URL you will get access denied even if you are the owner of this node.

To solve this I have tweaked the code of the patch to solve this issue.

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

@erdm, can you confirm on which version of this module you are trying to apply the patch. As 3.1.21 already has core version requirement set to ^9 || ^10

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

@peter I think based on the reports of upgrade status all of the D10 compatibility issues are fixed.

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

@peter I have updated few fixes that where shown by the upgrade status module.

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

#12 MR fails in following scenario -

1. Create a dummy user.
2. Edit the newly created user and assign a term to it (Make sure this user does not have any term assigned prior to this).
3. save the form and you will get the error.

TypeError: array_diff(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in array_diff() (line 311 of modules/contrib/permissions_by_term/permissions_by_term.module).

🇮🇳India sudesh.solaskar mumbai

Hello Peter, I would also like to co maintain this project. I have been extensively using this module in my current project and would love to maintain the same.


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