Thank you Valic for the timely guidance.
Installing → with
Currency mapping: By Country
Location module: Smart IP
Currency source: Combo mode
Resolved the issue.
Maybe in the Documentation we can mention the Location module (smat_ip) and share that for the Mapping field to appear Geo Module is mandatory?
"When you place a block with a currency selector, you can choose there which currently active currency is - this is meant to be accessible to the users."
This is generated in the Block Layout? I searched for an auto-generated block with Currency Converter name in it. Couldn't find.
"By Country - you can assign a currency to a specific country - that also requires that you have a GeoIP module"
Any particular GeoIP module that you recommend with Commerce Currency Resolver?
1. At admin/commerce/config/currencies
I have 25 Currencies Enabled
2. The Store's Default Currency is USD
3. Currency mapping
Cookie (currency block selector)
Currency source (Tried all the three options - nothing is generating the mapping fields)
Automatic conversion
Price field per currency
Combo mode
4. I also see only two Tabs - Configuration and Mapping. No Conversion tab as shown in the Snapshot of the Project Page.
ajose82 → created an issue.
For anyone trying to make it work for INR/Stripe India
1. Go to commerce_stripe/src/Plugin/Commerce/PaymentGateway
2. Edit Stripe.php
3. Add Description like below
$default_intent_attributes = [
'amount' => $this->minorUnitsConverter->toMinorUnits($amount),
'currency' => strtolower($amount->getCurrencyCode()),
'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
'metadata' => [
'order_id' => $order->id(),
'store_id' => $order->getStoreId(),
'description' => 'Your Transaction Description',