No Mapping Fields (Currency Layer and Fixer.IO)

Created on 12 October 2023, 9 months ago
Updated 13 October 2023, 9 months ago

The currency Mapping Tab has no fields to Map (attached is the image).

I tried with two APIs - Currency Layer and Fixer.IO.

Followed the instructions in the readme file to Disable Internal Page Caching.

Any idea on debugging the UI would be helpful. There are no errors in the Recent Log Messages.

πŸ› Bug report






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  • Issue created by @ajose82
  • πŸ‡­πŸ‡·Croatia valic Osijek

    what are your settings on main page?

    Do you have more than one currency enabled in Drupal?

  • 1. At admin/commerce/config/currencies

    I have 25 Currencies Enabled

    2. The Store's Default Currency is USD

    3. Currency mapping
    Cookie (currency block selector)

    Currency source (Tried all the three options - nothing is generating the mapping fields)
    Automatic conversion
    Price field per currency
    Combo mode

    4. I also see only two Tabs - Configuration and Mapping. No Conversion tab as shown in the Snapshot of the Project Page.

  • πŸ‡­πŸ‡·Croatia valic Osijek

    Ah, then it's correct, and think to see that tab it's a bug.

    If you use Cookie - currency block selector, then you can't map to anything.

    When you place a block with a currency selector, you can choose there which currently active currency is - this is meant to be accessible to the users.

    The currency mapping tab is visible if you use:

    • By Country - you can assign a currency to a specific country - that also requires that you have a GeoIP module
    • By Language - you can assign a currency to a specific language
  • πŸ‡­πŸ‡·Croatia valic Osijek

    The conversion tab does not exist anymore in never versions. This is part of the commerce_exchanger module for a year.

    The mapping tab is showing options as I said, if you use Country or Language

  • "When you place a block with a currency selector, you can choose there which currently active currency is - this is meant to be accessible to the users."

    This is generated in the Block Layout? I searched for an auto-generated block with Currency Converter name in it. Couldn't find.

    "By Country - you can assign a currency to a specific country - that also requires that you have a GeoIP module"

    Any particular GeoIP module that you recommend with Commerce Currency Resolver?

  • Thank you Valic for the timely guidance.

    Installing β†’ with

    Currency mapping: By Country
    Location module: Smart IP
    Currency source: Combo mode

    Resolved the issue.

    Maybe in the Documentation we can mention the Location module (smat_ip) and share that for the Mapping field to appear Geo Module is mandatory?

  • Status changed to Fixed 9 months ago
  • Status changed to Fixed 9 months ago
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