Account created on 9 October 2015, over 9 years ago

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I am using the same settings, I selected
[x] Display More link?
[x] Display More link only when content is trimmed?

I don't think it is a problem with the settings of this module an how they work.

As I wrote the "SmartTrimFormatter.php" compares two variables ($output and $original_output) to determine if the "More"-Link should be added or not. In my case (whatever the reason may be) $original_output contains a newline character at the end, which is stripped by this module's function "truncateChars" in TruncateHTML.php, even if the content itself is not shortened.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I used "drush cr" and restarted the server, that had no effect. After clearing the cache via the button the error disappeared. I am not sure if there should be differences, but it works as intented.

The issue is not related to the webform module, I was able to fix this by downgrading "Permissions by Term" 🐛 Twig template not defined, LoaderError Closed: duplicate

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