Account created on 7 August 2015, almost 9 years ago
  • Senior Web Developer at CreodeΒ 

Recent comments

@andileco it makes sense regarding the deprecation. We are currently halfway through a Drupal 10 upgrade and we have a large amount of custom legacy code from about 5 years ago that is driving the creation of charts from a Webform (a class with over 1000 lines). As you can imagine the upgrade process for this is rather tough and will require some input to move to the new version, though if the recommended approach here is to upgrade, it might be the time to go ahead and do it.

If there are plans to pull support on the 3.x version at some point, we should probably do the upgrade as soon as we can.


Attached a path to allow the module to have Drupal 10 Support on the alpha-2 tag.


Anything I can do to help get this merged and released into the module?


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