🇦🇺Australia @fluidstack

Account created on 3 July 2015, about 9 years ago

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🇦🇺Australia fluidstack

I can confirm Patch # 4 works as expected. However, i just logged a new issue very similar to this, but it is using the "Remember the last selection" feature. https://www.drupal.org/project/better_exposed_filters/issues/3359182 🐛 BEF checkboxes - Allow multiple selections - Remember the last selection Active

🇦🇺Australia fluidstack

Hi All,

For your information - There seems to be an issue when working with Better Exposed Filters - https://www.drupal.org/project/better_exposed_filters/issues/3359182 🐛 BEF checkboxes - Allow multiple selections - Remember the last selection Active .

have been scratching my head for a while on this issue.

If any one has any thoughts, welcome.

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