Account created on 25 June 2008, almost 16 years ago

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🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

I'll also note, that twig here is super useful for manipulating the rendering of lists in ECA in general without having to make complex loops

{% for item in my_array %}
    <div>{{ item }}</div>
{% endfor %}

Or grab your random item and wrap it in the html you might want in the same twig action, etc

<div>{{ random([your-list]) }}</div>

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

For anyone else looking to use random numbers you can leverage the flexibility of twig

Use the "Render: Twig" action with {{ random("min", "max") }}
(replace min and max with range you want, you can include tokens)

You can also get random items from lists
{{ random([your-list]) }}

{{ random(['apple', 'orange', 'citrus']) }} {# example output: orange #}

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Trying again, accidentally generated patch 02 from the already patched state...

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Reroll as I forgot to set as an array

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

I found a similar issue with another module:

public function getCacheContexts() {
$menu_name = $this->getDerivativeId();
return Cache::mergeContexts(parent::getCacheContexts(), ['route.menu_active_trails:' . $menu_name]);

"This effectively caches a unique entry for the menu per every menu link, which to some extent defeats the purpose of caching."

With that in mind, I've rolled a patch here that uses just the menu name as the context, and ignores the menu active trails. This appears to be fine if active-menu-trails are not used in the theme for anything.

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Not sure if this is related, but I get errors importing nodes in feeds if they would return multiple values when calculated.

"Keywords (computed_keywords): Keywords: this field cannot hold more than 1 values."

This field doe hold more than one value just fine, and displays as multiple throughout the site, but, it breaks my feeds from importing...

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

I know I could

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

@dchaffin, I suggest using this other module while we wait for this to be integrated here

You can use it as the primary captcha, and have it fall back to this module if it fails validation.

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Cheers for this fix, applying

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

I'd love to see an inverse of this.
When a sync hasn't happened in a while, but changes are being added to export, sometimes you want to export everything in the list *except for* the last things you already selected and exported.

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Updated patch, had some incorrect formatting for patch paths, apologies, this is the first patch I've ever uploaded to, doing some learning today :)

🇳🇿New Zealand roxflame

Patch attached here cleared things up for me

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