β created an issue. β created an issue. β created an issue.
Bumping this. I'm at a loss as to why the module isn't working. I have it on two different sites. One has a lot more content, a lot more modules, one is a much newer Drupal 9 install with just a fraction of the contributed modules installed. I used this module in Drupal 7 and loved it.
I should also say that Cron has run and I'm not seeing any errors related to Cron or to Link Checker. β created an issue.
Ah! Ok. Thanks.
I'm having the same issue. Here is the "requires" text on the admin/extend page. I'm using CKEditor 5 and will definitely not be enabling CKEditor 4. I suppose I could try removing that requirement in the module.
Machine name: editor_advanced_image
Version: 8.x-2.1
Requires: Text Editor, Filter, User, System, FileField, CKEditor 4 (contrib) (disabled), CKEditor 5