Thanks @jurgenhaas. I am yet to solve this but here are some dummy characters if it will help others
Some dummy characters to try
lovedrupal6 β created an issue.
Thanks @Jaypan.
Will look into this and comment back here
Apologies for the delay in replying. Dont think I am any closer to getting this working.
The purpose of the page is to collect feedback (airport/superstore style with 5 images depicting a likert scale from Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor. Completing the form is to be as quick as possible.
Have a webform with a image select field of 5 images. Want the webform to be saved/submitted as soon as an option is selected without the need to hit save/submit button.
Intent to have the webpage with this form themed with only the image select options displayed similar to The user filling this will only need to make a selection and the webform should then be saved/submitted. The page then reloads itself with a new form and this function is available within webform itself.
Have tried with 'presave content entity' and 'initialize content entity' as the starting point.
trying to get similar function to this
lovedrupal6 β created an issue.
Dear JΓΌrgen,
Your comment #4 has been so helpful and after a couple of hours of testing back and forth and reading your your comment to the word - finally have understood this. Attaching a model file here for anyone else who may find it helpful.
Content type called 'Coupon' has a referenced paragraph called 'Used on' which in turn has a field called 'Date'.
My use case is that the date will be left empty on creation of the coupon. When coupon is used, the date field is filled in by a user who can be different to the coupon node author. I need an email to be sent to the node author whenever the empty 'date' field in the paragraph 'used on' of the content type 'coupon' was filled in (coupon was used.
Thanks again JΓΌrgen - much appreciated and kudos for such a high value module to you and others contributing.
Referrers create a voucher which is then exchanged for an item by clients that are referred later. the date this is exchanged is noted on a paragraph referenced field on the content type 'voucher'.
Content type called 'Voucher' which has a paragraph reference field called 'field_processing_paragraph' referrering to a paragraph which in turn has a field called 'field_date_used'.
To test further, created a usual non referenced date field called 'field_processing_body_field' in the content type 'voucher'.
Changes in the usual non referenced date field 'field_processing_body_field' behave as intended as in the attached eca export bpmn_io-process_bfsztdi.tar.gz
However at a loss as to how obtain the original author email of the node to send an email when the 'field_date_used' changes from empty to a filled date.
Have tried starting with a paragraph type update as a start event - doeant have access to [node:author:mail] to send the email.
Have tried starting with the voucher node, loading the paragraph, loading original, loading new and displaying message - but not working as it should. this throws the email of the person updating rather than the node creator as in the attached bpmn_io-process_zgwbk6g.tar_.gz
What am i doing wrong?
lovedrupal6 β created an issue.
Thanks ravis.
Have indeed enabled additional css and cleared cache and the theme is very selective in what it changes through the additional code
legend {
font-weight: bold;
Doesnt work
.site-name a, .site-name a:hover {
color: #9d4d4d;
.site-name {
font-size: 2rem;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: lowercase;
.header {
background-color: #b6a1b4;
#footer {
background: #8d602f url(/themes/tara/images/footer-bg.svg);
.sidebar-right {
background-color: #ef993a;
.image-field {
margin: 0rem 0rem 0rem 0rem;
.td {
padding: 10px;
lovedrupal6 β created an issue.