Account created on 18 June 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I'd love to install and review this module, but it can't be installed with composer because of the dependency issue. I've tried to add a patch to my composer.patches.json file, like this:

"drupal/address_usps": {
    "Support for address 2.x": ""

This doesn't work. Composer apparently analyzes the dependencies before applying the patch, and it aborts installation because of the failed dependency. Can anyone suggest a working method to install and patch the module in the absence of a new release?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

The config above produces a view that says I have n unique visitors, but it doesn't specifically identify them. That addresses the request as described above. My mistake, sorry.

I was trying to produce a view that lists those unique visitors in a table, aggregating them by IP address or unique visitor ID, and showing me that IP address along with the timestamp and URL of their most recent visit. My view comes close to that, but it fails to aggregate the visits. Back to the drawing board...

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

You can create a view.

Please say more. I just tried to create a view, and with aggregation disabled I see a unique ID for each visitor. When I enable aggregation and use the "Count Distinct" option for the Unique Visitor field, I get a value of "1" in the field and the records aren't aggregated. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I've also added the timestamp, IP address, and URL fields to the view. Here's my view config:

uuid: 6f395cd4-37b8-47ba-a749-a8dc070506c8
langcode: en
status: true
    - visitors
id: online_visitors
label: 'Online Visitors'
module: views
description: ''
tag: ''
base_table: visitors
base_field: ''
    id: default
    display_title: Default
    display_plugin: default
    position: 0
      title: 'Online Visitors'
          id: visitor_id
          table: visitors
          field: visitor_id
          relationship: none
          group_type: count_distinct
          admin_label: ''
          plugin_id: standard
          label: 'Unique visitor'
          exclude: false
            alter_text: false
            text: ''
            make_link: false
            path: ''
            absolute: false
            external: false
            replace_spaces: false
            path_case: none
            trim_whitespace: false
            alt: ''
            rel: ''
            link_class: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
            target: ''
            nl2br: false
            max_length: 0
            word_boundary: true
            ellipsis: true
            more_link: false
            more_link_text: ''
            more_link_path: ''
            strip_tags: false
            trim: false
            preserve_tags: ''
            html: false
          element_type: ''
          element_class: ''
          element_label_type: ''
          element_label_class: ''
          element_label_colon: true
          element_wrapper_type: ''
          element_wrapper_class: ''
          element_default_classes: true
          empty: ''
          hide_empty: false
          empty_zero: false
          hide_alter_empty: true
          set_precision: false
          precision: 0
          decimal: .
          separator: ','
          format_plural: 0
          format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
          prefix: ''
          suffix: ''
          id: visitors_date_time
          table: visitors
          field: visitors_date_time
          relationship: none
          group_type: group
          admin_label: ''
          plugin_id: date
          label: 'Visitors Date Time'
          exclude: false
            alter_text: false
            text: ''
            make_link: false
            path: ''
            absolute: false
            external: false
            replace_spaces: false
            path_case: none
            trim_whitespace: false
            alt: ''
            rel: ''
            link_class: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
            target: ''
            nl2br: false
            max_length: 0
            word_boundary: true
            ellipsis: true
            more_link: false
            more_link_text: ''
            more_link_path: ''
            strip_tags: false
            trim: false
            preserve_tags: ''
            html: false
          element_type: ''
          element_class: ''
          element_label_type: ''
          element_label_class: ''
          element_label_colon: true
          element_wrapper_type: ''
          element_wrapper_class: ''
          element_default_classes: true
          empty: ''
          hide_empty: false
          empty_zero: false
          hide_alter_empty: true
          date_format: fallback
          custom_date_format: ''
          timezone: ''
          id: visitors_ip
          table: visitors
          field: visitors_ip
          relationship: none
          group_type: group
          admin_label: ''
          plugin_id: standard
          label: 'Visitors IP'
          exclude: false
            alter_text: false
            text: ''
            make_link: false
            path: ''
            absolute: false
            external: false
            replace_spaces: false
            path_case: none
            trim_whitespace: false
            alt: ''
            rel: ''
            link_class: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
            target: ''
            nl2br: false
            max_length: 0
            word_boundary: true
            ellipsis: true
            more_link: false
            more_link_text: ''
            more_link_path: ''
            strip_tags: false
            trim: false
            preserve_tags: ''
            html: false
          element_type: ''
          element_class: ''
          element_label_type: ''
          element_label_class: ''
          element_label_colon: true
          element_wrapper_type: ''
          element_wrapper_class: ''
          element_default_classes: true
          empty: ''
          hide_empty: false
          empty_zero: false
          hide_alter_empty: true
          set_precision: false
          precision: 0
          decimal: .
          separator: ','
          format_plural: false
          format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
          prefix: ''
          suffix: ''
          id: visitors_url
          table: visitors
          field: visitors_url
          relationship: none
          group_type: group
          admin_label: ''
          plugin_id: standard
          label: 'Visitors URL'
          exclude: false
            alter_text: false
            text: ''
            make_link: false
            path: ''
            absolute: false
            external: false
            replace_spaces: false
            path_case: none
            trim_whitespace: false
            alt: ''
            rel: ''
            link_class: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
            target: ''
            nl2br: false
            max_length: 0
            word_boundary: true
            ellipsis: true
            more_link: false
            more_link_text: ''
            more_link_path: ''
            strip_tags: false
            trim: false
            preserve_tags: ''
            html: false
          element_type: ''
          element_class: ''
          element_label_type: ''
          element_label_class: ''
          element_label_colon: true
          element_wrapper_type: ''
          element_wrapper_class: ''
          element_default_classes: true
          empty: ''
          hide_empty: false
          empty_zero: false
          hide_alter_empty: true
        type: full
          offset: 0
          pagination_heading_level: h4
          items_per_page: 20
          total_pages: null
          id: 0
            next: 'Next β€Ί'
            previous: 'β€Ή Previous'
            first: 'Β« First'
            last: 'Last Β»'
            items_per_page: false
            items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
            items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
            items_per_page_options_all: false
            items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
            offset: false
            offset_label: Offset
          quantity: 9
        type: basic
          submit_button: Apply
          reset_button: false
          reset_button_label: Reset
          exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
          expose_sort_order: true
          sort_asc_label: Asc
          sort_desc_label: Desc
        type: none
        options: {  }
        type: tag
        options: {  }
      empty: {  }
      sorts: {  }
      arguments: {  }
          id: visitors_date_time
          table: visitors
          field: visitors_date_time
          relationship: none
          group_type: group
          admin_label: ''
          plugin_id: visitors_date
          operator: '>='
            min: ''
            max: ''
            value: '-1 hour'
            type: offset
          group: 1
          exposed: false
            operator_id: ''
            label: ''
            description: ''
            use_operator: false
            operator: ''
            operator_limit_selection: false
            operator_list: {  }
            identifier: ''
            required: false
            remember: false
            multiple: false
              authenticated: authenticated
            min_placeholder: ''
            max_placeholder: ''
            placeholder: ''
          is_grouped: false
            label: ''
            description: ''
            identifier: ''
            optional: true
            widget: select
            multiple: false
            remember: false
            default_group: All
            default_group_multiple: {  }
            group_items: {  }
        type: table
          grouping: {  }
          row_class: ''
          default_row_class: true
            visitors_date_time: visitors_date_time
            visitors_ip: visitors_ip
            visitors_url: visitors_url
          default: visitors_date_time
              sortable: true
              default_sort_order: desc
              align: ''
              separator: ''
              empty_column: false
              responsive: ''
              sortable: false
              default_sort_order: desc
              align: ''
              separator: ''
              empty_column: false
              responsive: ''
              sortable: false
              default_sort_order: asc
              align: ''
              separator: ''
              empty_column: false
              responsive: ''
          override: true
          sticky: false
          summary: ''
          empty_table: false
          caption: ''
          description: ''
        type: fields
        type: views_query
          query_comment: ''
          disable_sql_rewrite: false
          distinct: false
          replica: false
          query_tags: {  }
      relationships: {  }
      group_by: true
      header: {  }
      footer: {  }
      display_extenders: {  }
      max-age: -1
        - 'languages:language_interface'
        - url.query_args
      tags: {  }
    id: block_1
    display_title: Block
    display_plugin: block
    position: 1
      display_extenders: {  }
      block_description: 'Online Visitors'
      max-age: -1
        - 'languages:language_interface'
        - url.query_args
      tags: {  }
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Looking a little deeper: as described in VisitorsCookieInterface.php, the getId() function is supposed to return a string. $visitor_id does not have an initial value. Doing this:

[$visitor_id] =...

sets the value of an array element with an undefined index. The function then returns $visitor_id, which has no value. Maybe this is the right thing to do:

$visitor_id = is_string($_pk_id) ? $_pk_id : "";

return $visitor_id;

This ensures that the value of $visitor_id is set to a string value.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Sorry, but I just saw this in my watchdog log:

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in Drupal\visitors\Service\CookieService->getId() (line 40 of /var/www/mysite/web/modules/contrib/visitors/src/Service/CookieService.php)

I believe the code should be changed from this:

[$visitor_id] = is_string($_pk_id) ? explode('.', $_pk_id) : [];

return $visitor_id;

to this:

$visitor_id = is_string($_pk_id) ? explode('.', $_pk_id) : [];

return $visitor_id;
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Thanks for the quick replies. I can confirm that the approach described above eliminates the problem.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

It's definitely using an HTTP GET. I just confirmed that by looking at a sample in my nginx log: - - [03/Jun/2024:08:14:10 -0400] "GET /visitors/_track?action_name=...

I guess this means that there's no visitors error here. No, I don't see it being logged by the module. Thanks for the help, @bluegeek9.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I've noticed that the errors are all associated with Microsoft Bing bot IP addresses. Could a crawler be doing something unexpected?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Thanks for such a quick reply!

What was the previous version installed?

8.x-2.16 was previously installed. I had uninstalled that version (using "drush pmu") while waiting for this new release, so this was basically a fresh installation.

Have you cleared the cache? The error is, No route found. It is referring to the path/route Visitors logs the visit. The data is sent as a POST

Yes, after using composer to install the update I ran both "drush updb" and "drush cr". I've since flushed all caches again, and the errors still appear.

Does the site have a path prefix?

No, there's no path prefix like that. If it helps, here's the complete location given for one of the logged errors (with minor edits to redact the actual site name):

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Thanks for the reply! Yes, sorry, I believe this is an issue, or also an issue, for the XML Sitemap module. Please move it as appropriate.

1. The type is "xmlsitemap".

2. The URL I see on my site to enable or disable submission to Google is this one:

3. Yes, I'm using the XML Sitemap module. It's checked on the /admin/modules page.

4. My preference would be for sitemap submission to work without error. Given what I read in the Google blog, I believe this means "stop pinging Google AND modify robots.txt to include a Sitemap line" as you described.

In the meantime I can disable sitemap submission by uninstalling the XML Sitemap Engines module.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Fix confirmed. I haven't seen any errors since deploying the patch.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I've been using the patch since I posted it. It's been working fine for me.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Moving this to Commerce PayPal.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I posted this same question on StackExchange after not getting any feedback here:

A response received there may contain the needed fix. This appears to be a Commerce PayPal issue. Here's the suggestion:

To create a valid render array, put the string the function returns in a markup render element:

$variables['order']['funding_source'] = ['#markup' => commerce_paypal_funding_source_label($data['funding_source'])];

That's in file commerce_paypal/commerce_paypal.module. I've made the change and am still testing to see if it solves the problem. If it does, this issue should be move to the Commerce PayPal issue queue with the fix included as a patch.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I tried re-installing a second time, but this time I made sure to completely uninstall first. As noted by @Janner, this seems to have solved the problem. I'm not seeing any more errors or warnings. I did have to go back and re-adjust my site settings, though.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I tried reinstalling. It didn't help. Ticket opened.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

sah62 β†’ created an issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I'm using nginx/1.18.0. I have client_max_body_size set to 500M in nginx.conf.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

sah62 β†’ created an issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I found a small typo in the patch: there's an extra "&" in the description of "USPS Ground Advantage& Parcel Locker". Here's a new patch with that extra character removed.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

I've attached a patch that replaces the old service descriptions with the new service descriptions returned from the USPS web service. It works for my store; please review the changes and let me know if I missed anything.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

The patches are working for me. Let's get this reviewed.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Would something like this work to mark an order item each time is payment is processed?

foreach ($payment->getOrder()->getItems() as $item) {
  $square_item_processed = $item->getData('square_item_processed', FALSE);
  if ($square_item_processed) continue;
  // Process the order item.
  $item->setData('square_item_processed', TRUE);

I've tried to test this idea. Nothing "bad" seems to happen when I process a first payment for a single item. If I edit the order and add an item, though, when I try to process the second payment the value of $square_item_processed is FALSE for both items in the order and the payment process fails because the amount of the order (2 items, plus tax, plus shipping) doesn't match the payment (1 new item plus tax). I'm clearly still missing something.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States sah62 US

Am I correct in assuming that some of these instructions are intended for module developers, and some are intended for site administrators? For example, "migrate to the new template" appears to be a developer instruction. There's no GUI for it that I can find so there's nothing I can do as a site administrator, but I understand how a module developer would need to switch if their module is sending email.

I just did some testing with my existing webform configuration in which email with attachments is sent. It still works just fine, without changing anything, after configuring Symfony Mailer (with import of my Swift Mailer settings) and removing the legacy applications.

One last question: at what point can I (or should I?) disable the "Emulate swiftmailer" option as a site administrator?

Thanks again!

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