🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
Szabocs Páll → created an issue.
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
MR 13 does not solve https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs_features/issues/3374777 🐛 Add in between button is not is not shown in the Thunder Admin theme Closed: duplicate
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
The issues above should be fixed now, also added an extra README for CKEditor5.
Also it no longer uses the Add-in-between, but the add more modal (like did the previous version).
🇮🇹Italy szabocs páll
Szabocs Páll → created an issue.