My understanding is that there is a D10 Opigno 3.2+ release (D11 is near ready) but to get it you have to become an Opigno customer (service subscription). Believe the service costs around $12K USD/yr and access to the current (open source) distro is provided per the subscription. Am not a customer and don't know how maintenance/bug fixes work in their world - it's not for me. I personally don't think cost is "unreasonable" given scope/level of effort, but leaving the entire community hanging and stringing people along for a year when they had the distro all along and couldn't just tell people to pay to get it and that they're not maintaining it here, is disturbing.
What remains confusing: D10 is released for their clients, so why isn't it released here? Two separate distros; instead of adding to public for private, they do the opposite and have to dumb/strip down private for public. This is also why Opigno has always been so difficult to unwind and customize, and no surprise it is so much work for them. On top of this, there is no apparent partnership/shared effort on this distro, fair reasons or not, and no trustworthy or reliable outcome is presented. A fork, new maintainers, and/or a different approach is needed. Meanwhile, this distro appears dead.
ElusiveMind, thank you. I looked into Opigno + Open Social myself, and opted to stand down at the time. Am multisite as well. Makes total sense to me.
Seems we're going to have to build our own distro. Assuming we pull it off, we'll give it back and maintain.
Thank you rudy.barrett. It feels as I have been misled on timing and intent, so time to reassess. Anyone scoped/priced out a fork? I'd consider contributing some funds. Love Drupal, and would hate to have to move elsewhere like Moodle, but don't see how can rely on this going forward. It's sad, really.
No one at Opigno responds to "contact" as instructed, nor do they provide explanation of delay/release or even a timeframe. Axel (CEO) and Opigno started posting on LinkedIn a month or so ago, so it seems they are kicking up marketing a bit - inference is they're alive, but the community is effectively ignored.
Opigno sells Opigno, which has a lot of capabilities/features the OS distro does not. My guess is that private Opigno works on D10, but they have to take a lot of capabilities away to have an OS version, which is a lot of work and a low priority for them. Don't think it's an issue of making Opigno work on D10, I think it's an issue of dumbing their release down enough and limiting its scope for an OS version.. So we wait, in a back room, in the dark, for who knows how long. There are way better ways Opigno could handle this distribution's release/updates and support those who enabled them.
Going forward, unless Opigno/Axel can give comfort in some fashion, a fork or alt replacement appear to be the only options.
"We are happy to answer all your questions and requests in complete transparency:" Colleague tried to this approach - no response.
Same problem, Opigno 3.1
For "complete transparency" Opigno should answer the questions here, not via an unpublished individual contact request.
Respect for Opigno's business, and customers do come first, but this community and platform deserve respect for their business too. Clearly there have been challenges, but there is no way to guess what is happening with fixes, enhancements, and what new changes are coming, and ALL of this has serious cost impact on those waiting 8 months for "soon" to happen.
Openness and communications, more than "transparency," would go a long way towards shaping decisions of fork/not fork, or even drupal/not drupal. Meanwhile, without any more tangible information or expectations, consideration of a fork, or abandonment, appears prudent.
It has been a year since there was an update. It is now 7 months past "by end of year." Lack of open, honest communications and updates is abandonment, and don't want to be left turning the lights out. Anyone "ballpark" what it would take to fork this distribution (time/money - not trivial) - would consider contributing.
12/23: “Unfortunately we still couldn’t find time to push a stable d10 release on It will be done in January, for sure !”
So, by wednesday?
Is the Drupal 10 release still on schedule for release by year-end? It's the holidays and need to schedule time and resource, or not.