Düsseldorf, Germany
Account created on 30 December 2014, over 9 years ago

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🇮🇳India deepakrmklm Düsseldorf, Germany

Closing this ticket as the "Back to content editing" button is available to navigate back to drafted content.

🇮🇳India deepakrmklm Düsseldorf, Germany

The changes were already made as part of bug Fixes.

🇮🇳India deepakrmklm Düsseldorf, Germany

The patch is not correct and requires changes, as the numbers got updated.

🇮🇳India deepakrmklm Düsseldorf, Germany

The MR #2 has been merged to 1.0.x. Hence closing the ticket.

🇮🇳India deepakrmklm Düsseldorf, Germany

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