Account created on 1 November 2014, almost 10 years ago

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🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

I have this problem.
Drupal 9.5
Business Responsive Theme version: '8.x-1.3'

I just made a simple change and added some twig files.
The strange thing is that this problem does not always appear... I am still searching for possible causes

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

this one worked with me.

composer require drupal/inline_entity_form:^1.0-rc15

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

Although previous attempts failed; The module is now working.
I intended to migrate to Drupal 9 and then update the modules to the latest version; And I updated the Mariadb database from version 5 to version 11 .. I did not make any other modification.
Oddly enough, this module is now working.

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

i don't solve it by Downgrading commerceguys/addressing.

however i face similar error, but with small differences

Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\address\Repository\CountryRepository::loadDefinitions($locale) must be compatible with CommerceGuys\Addressing\Country\CountryRepository::loadDefinitions(string $locale): array in /home/***/public/modules/contrib/address/src/Repository/CountryRepository.php on line 43

instead on line 38.
my issue are here 💬 White page, on all nodes that use Address module Fixed

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

actuality, i don't solve it yet and i mentioned that.
Even, this patch doesn't work and i still face same error.

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

As mentioned here and many another posts, Downgrading commerceguys/addressing don't work currently.

composer require commerceguys/addressing:1.3.0 drupal/address

- Downloading commerceguys/addressing (v1.3.0)
- Downgrading commerceguys/addressing (v1.4.2 => v1.3.0): Extracting archive

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

No, i cant Create a new node with Address module field either.
thank you, i changed display_errors to display_errors=on; so i can track the error

Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\address\Repository\CountryRepository::loadDefinitions($locale) must be compatible with CommerceGuys\Addressing\Country\CountryRepository::loadDefinitions(string $locale): array in /home/***/public/modules/contrib/address/src/Repository/CountryRepository.php on line 43

🇧🇭Bahrain drattar

temporary solution: i disabled webform_share module by:
drush pmu webform_share

actually, i tried remove ResponseEvent from the code below, as it worked in this , but it doesn't work with me.

  public function onResponse(ResponseEvent $event) {
    if (!WebformShareHelper::isPage($this->routeMatch)) {
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