Hi @bkenro → ,
Facing the same problem than you, I identified that we can not find this H5P object because the version of the H5P editor in the 2.0.0@alpha4 module uses the version 1.24 of H5P libraries.
In order to use the 'Course presentation', and the 'Image Choice' in my case, we need to use the 2.0.x-dev version of the module (
https://www.drupal.org/project/h5p/releases/2.0.x-dev →
I so delete all the H5P fields I had already done, uninstall the module, clear my caches, and install the new version of the module.
After, I install the patch proposed by
@shaundychko →
Support h5p/h5p-core:1.26 and h5p/h5p-editor:1.25
Needs work
and copy a file (see comment #16).
To install the patch, I had to install the package cweagans/composer-patches, and then modify the composer.json file at the same level than the web folder (adding in the extras section:
"extras": {
"enable-patching": true,
"patches": {
"drupal/h5p": {
"#3420268": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-02-14/support-h5p-1.26-3420268-12.patch",
Puis, j'ai effectué la commande composer update afin que le patch soit pris en compte.
I was then able to get and download an 'Image Choice' set.
@shaundychko →
Thank you for this patch.
I succeed to install it, but he didn't want to work on its own. I have to copy the file h5p-table.css
(from project root, at the same level than the web folder: cp -pr vendor/h5p/h5p-core/styles/h5p-table.css web/modules/contrib/h5p/vendor/h5p/h5p-core/styles/.).
After that, I can download and add a H5P file from the H5P editor (in this case, a field in a Paragraph).
Nevertheless, I have the impression that after clearing all caches, I need to copy again the h5p-table.css file to make it work again.
Did I miss something in my installation?
My configuration: PHP 8.3.9, D10.3.6, H5P 2.0.x-dev, h5p/h5p-core 1.27.0, h5p/h5p-editor 1.25