🇨🇦Canada @noah

Account created on 20 August 2005, almost 19 years ago

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🇨🇦Canada noah

I was still seeing the error with 1.0.11, because although drupal/webfinger was being downloaded (thanks to the dependency added in this issue), the module was not enabled so none of the referenced methods were available. I was able to get the site working again by following @SirClickalot's instructions re: commenting out the service in attribution.services.yml, manually enabling the Webfinger module, and then re-enabling the service.

Unless I've missed something about how this should work, I think the Webfinger module should be listed as a dependency in attribution.info.yml, no? And I think there should be an attribution.install file with a hook to ensure that the Webfinger module is enabled. I'd be up for making these updates, however I'm not even sure that will do it since the error here is preventing database updates from running (so the "enable Webfinger" hook won't run because of the error caused by Webfinger not being enabled)—I'm not sure how to work around that.

🇨🇦Canada noah

In case anyone comes across this and runs into the same issues I had: I think I was getting a class not found error when using S3 from the vendor directory because "Use S3 for private:// files" was checked—that would explain why other people haven't run into the issue, and it seems plausible that Drupal 7 would bootstrap the file paths before /vendor/autoload.php runs. I worked around the issue by adding this just above the "use" statements at the top of S3fsStreamWrapper.inc:

 if (!class_exists('Aws\Sdk')) {
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

I'm not sure this is a smart solution, and this code specifically expects the web root in /web (which isn't common for D7), but I put a patch in a Gist in case it's useful to anyone. Remove the opening "/.." if the web root is the install root.

One additional little thing: I couldn't get the s3fs_sdk_autoloaded variable to stick on a fresh install because the settings aren't saved if the SDK isn't found (and the SDK can't be found until the settings are saved). The variable can be set using Drush, then everything else works:

drush vset s3fs_sdk_autoloaded 1

🇨🇦Canada noah

When I check the "No Composer Manager" checkbox, the site immediately becomes unavailable with the following watchdog error:

Error: Class "Aws\S3\StreamWrapper" not found in include_once() (line 26 of /path/to/module/s3fs/S3fsStreamWrapper.inc).

It seems like, for reasons that I can't figure out, that class is being invoked before /vendor/autoload.php has run. I can eliminate the error by adding this at the top of the file:

if (!class_exists('Aws\Sdk')) include DRUPAL_ROOT . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

I haven't added that to the current patch because it seems like there must be a better way to handle this—what might be causing that to be invoked before everything has been autoloaded?

🇨🇦Canada noah

Just a heads-up for anyone else who's having issues with media references—it appears that the bulk update doesn't work if the widget on the "Manage form display" is "Media library". I switched to "Check boxes/radio buttons", re-ran the bulk update successfully, then switched back to "Media library".

(This module has saved me a ton of time over the past few months—thanks very much for your work on it @b_sharpe.)

🇨🇦Canada noah

#73 is working for me with Drupal 9.5.9, however I saw something else that I couldn't find addressed anywhere else that I thought was worth adding here in case anyone else encounters the error I did. I moved a site to a new environment with this in the composer.json:

    "extra": {
        "drupal-scaffold": {
            "locations": {
                "web-root": "web/"
            "file-mapping": {
                "[web-root]/sites/development.services.yml": "false"

...and when I did the initial composer update, scaffolding failed with the error:

In ScaffoldFilePath.php line 135:
  Scaffold file false not found in package drupal/recommended-project.

I removed the file-mapping and and did composer update, and it completed successfully (including scaffolding). I put file-mapping back and subsequent updates worked as well with no errors. So I think it's just a matter of having to exclude this for an initial install.

🇨🇦Canada noah

What @SirClickALot has suggested is definitely the right path in most cases, but I'm not sure that it is here. I may be misunderstanding Prism.js, but I think there are a couple of issues:

  1. If you just do require npm-asset/prismjs, Prism.js is installed in "/vendor" rather than "/web/libraries"—if you're using the composer "Project template for Drupal projects with a relocated document root" the CSS and JS can't be referenced directly, because they're not in "web".
  2. It's probably possible to work around 1 with Composer, but even then what gets downloaded doesn't actually work—there's no CSS file in the root directory, and unless you want only the most basic syntax highlighting (e.g., no PHP) the prism.js file in the web root is incomplete: As far as I can tell, Prism.js expects the CSS and JS to be assembled on a per-use case basis using the form at https://prismjs.com/download.html.

I'm not 100% confident that I'm right, but that appears to be the situation from what I can tell.

FWIW, my solution for automating this was to create and require a custom Prism.js repo called "prism" at GitHub that just contains the generated CSS and JS files and a composer.json that includes "type": "drupal-library".

🇨🇦Canada noah

This issue was resolved for us by the latest patch here:

https://www.drupal.org/project/calendar/issues/3255924 🐛 Multiple multiday events the second event is not showing on the next row. It is showing in the column after first event colspan ends. Needs work

🇨🇦Canada noah

@trolin: I had the same issue, and discovered when I tried to uninstall via Drush that one of my installed themes has Stable as its base_theme—maybe that's why you don't see the uninstall option after unhiding?

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